🔏Privacy Policy

Welcome to Bot Technoid, your go-to platform! At Bot Technoid, we understand the importance of privacy, and we are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information

Information we collect

 - User's ID for economy, cryptography commands and voting rewards purpose.
 - User's balance, date of account creation in economy
 - User's stored messages via encode command
 - Guild ID for enable_quickreaction command
 - User's info temporarily for giveaway command
 - Your suggestions sent via /suggest command
 - The temporary emails and their respective inbox are collected by the API we use, which is deleted after 1-2 hours

Purpose of Data Collection

Our data collection serves various purposes to enhance user experience and provide specific functionalities within the Bot Technoid ecosystem. Below are the key reasons for collecting user data:

  1. Account Creation for Economy:

    • When a user creates an account for the economy feature, a dedicated block is generated in our database, named after the user's ID. This block stores the user's balance for easy retrieval and facilitates other economy commands. The creation date is also recorded, resetting with each usage of the /daily command.

  2. Message Encoding with /encode Command:

    • When a user employs the /encode command to encrypt a message, a corresponding database block is created with the user's ID. A unique key (token) is assigned to encrypt their command, and this key is securely stored in a separate database. The user can retrieve the key using the /cipherlist command.

  3. Notification Preferences for Top.gg Votes:

    • Users receive a direct message from Technoid upon voting on top.gg. To accommodate those who wish to disable this feature, their user IDs are stored in our database. Technoid loops through this data before sending a direct message to ensure users who have disabled notifications using the /notify command are excluded.

  4. Guild Identification for /enable_quickreaction Command:

    • When a user enables the /enable_quickreaction command for a specific guild, the guild's ID is stored. This information helps identify which guilds have enabled the quick reaction feature, allowing us to provide this specific service only to those who have opted for it.

  5. Temporary Storage for Giveaway Participation:

    • User data is temporarily stored to identify participants in giveaways. This facilitates the fair selection of a random winner from the pool of participants.

  6. Suggestion Records with Usernames:

    • Suggestions submitted by users are stored along with their usernames. This ensures that we can easily identify the source of a suggestion and contact the user for rewards or credit in acknowledgment of their valuable input.

Our commitment to data security and privacy ensures that these collected data serve specific functionalities within the Bot Technoid platform while respecting user preferences and maintaining transparency in our practices.

Voting System Protocol

In our voting system, when a user casts a vote in favor of our bot, their unique user ID is meticulously stored within our database in the form of a discrete block. This block is intricately programmed to undergo automatic deletion precisely 12 hours after its creation. This temporal design aligns with the standard expiration period for votes on external voting platforms. To facilitate user verification of their voting status, we have implemented the "/upvote" command, enabling users to ascertain whether they have successfully cast their vote within the stipulated time frame.

Third party sharing

We do not engage in the sale of your personal information. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to analyze your data in the event of reported inappropriate usage.

User rights

As a Bot Technoid user, you have the right to access, correct, or delete your information

  • /retire to delete your economy account

  • /cryptoshred to delete your encoded messages

Updates to the Privacy Policy:

This policy may be updated periodically. Users will be informed of changes through notification mechanisms, ensuring transparency.

(Note: This note serves to inform users that any information not explicitly mentioned in our privacy policy is either not saved in our database or is only temporarily stored. In the latter case, data is promptly deleted as soon as the command or transaction is completed. We prioritize the security and privacy of our users and strive to ensure that only necessary and explicitly stated information is retained within our systems. If you have any concerns or questions regarding data storage and privacy, please refer to our privacy policy or contact our support team for further clarification. Your trust and privacy are of utmost importance to us.)

Contact Information:

If you have any privacy-related concerns or questions, please reach out to technoid.discord@gmail.com

By using Bot Technoid's services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Thank you for choosing Bot Technoid!

Last updated